Blog Archive

Saturday, October 15, 2011

During this week I have learned about experts talk and compare about different elements and components to be used in classes. CALL is one of the tools we need in my country. We are not very familiar with this due to the fact that many teachers have lack of materials and access to use that. However, in my personal development I have some of the access plus the implementation of multiple intelligences  that we have in the school. I only need to keep reading and getting informatino on how to mix technology and mutiple intelligences approaches in my classes. When teachers understand the way a student learns, there won't be any useless tool to use in class.


  1. Hi Yariela! I loved your post! I even clicked on your link and took the quiz to discover about my learning style. According to it I am bodily-kinesthetic, but I guess I am more visual to be honest. But maybe I am just wrong about myself because I took the quiz very seriously.
    I had fun with the animation, too.
    The final project I read was about multiple intelligences and I guess it has a lot to do with what you are planning to work with your students, it can definitely help you!

  2. Hi Yariela,

    Week3 was really full of learning various things via; Oral Aural Skill Building and so many useful links for all of us.

    I am happy that I have '' where I have saved all the URLs from where I can start any time from any part of the globe.

    Many experienced and talented friends shared so many things from whom I have learnt a lot of things. People truly say 'Learning is a life-long process.' I think there are still so many things to learn in life and be a good guide for the students who can quench their thirst of their lives from what we keep learning. Time is a good teacher and it's teaching me so many things these days. I am glad that I have got so many nice friends from the international community who may be in touch from time to time to share the international feelings on a forum through internet.

    Enjoy your day!


  3. Hi Yariela,

    Your blog is very attractive and I can see that you are quite an ICT person.

    In your profile you have said that you are already using blogs in your class. What's your students average age and how are they doing with blogging?

    Roza Maldives

  4. Hi Yariela,
    I can say that I have learned a lot of interesting ways from your blog to implement technology in my lessons.
    I am really excited about all the other things that will come next.
