Blog Archive

Saturday, November 5, 2011


  1. Hello, Yariela,

    Thank you for your sharing this video. Now we do not have to put "Return" key. There will be more and more potential in PPT.

    Thank you again, and keep on our study and sharing together.

    Masa, from Japan

  2. Hi Yariela

    What an easy-to-follow way to make a PowerPoint multiple choice quiz! I included one in my slideshow. Even when we had the step-by-step written explanation, it took me a long time to do it, and watching it in the video you posted makes the task much simpler. Thanks for sharing it!

    I think the chance to use PowerPoint presentations to give quizzes to students to activate their previous knowledge, to check comprehension, or to review and reinforce, either at the beginning, middle or end, is an excellent way to create a student-centered class.

