Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What teachers do for students is more meaningful than theories!

Week 9. Full of satisfaction and plans

Today I would like to talk about how I felt after having all of these weeks learning, reading, writing, sharing ideas, and getting good information from other teachers. For me it has been so wonderful to be able to be part of this class. I had some background information about how to include technology in certain activities for classes but I had never put into practice all integrated in my classes.

One thing I liked the most on week 8 is the use of ANVILL and the way most teachers around the world are using them. I just had a question and I need to keep looking and doing search about that, how can it be useful and what kind of things I could do with a program like ANVILL in my school with my children of 4th grade? That is something I will learn when I take more time working on that.

Also, I started to use as part of my class, and the use of blogs still my challenge. I feel like almost ready to hand in my final project and I hope everything goes well.Now, ready to read the new articles and instructions. I had not had time to use internet because I am having meetings with parents and progress reports. But today, I will have some time reading and having time for my learning.

Have a nice day,


Yariela Cantarero

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yariela,
    It really passed quickly and we didn't feel but it is good that we learned a lot of interesting things and we are applying them now.

    Good Luck dear.
    See you soon around,
